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Trends of 2021: Tech Takeover

Hatty Blue

Whether it's for cost-cutting reasons, as a result of our new socially distanced world or streamline recruitment processes, smart businesses are exploring the limits of technology.

The U.S. Department of Labour found that while the recruitment sector has been early adopters of technology to improve recruitment decisions, it is only 16% more effective than traditional recruiting.

When used correctly, automation and artificial intelligence will enhance the overall recruitment process, saving recruiters time to spend on refining the 'human' element of recruitment; finding out what clients need and getting to know candidates.

Pre-pandemic, a survey by the Human Resources Professionals Association found that while 84% of H.R. firms thought A.I. was a useful tool for recruitment, 33% thought they were 'not very prepared or 'not prepared at all' to adopt A.I. within their hiring process.

What kind of automation or A.I. are you or your recruitment company currently using in your hiring process? Could it work better for you?

·      Using an algorithm eliminates bias while saving everyone in the process time.

·      Introduce the use of psychometric tools such as the DiSC profile or aptitude tests to make your recruitment more scientific and data-driven; many recruitment and staffing companies include this in their fee.

Since the pandemic, businesses are increasingly looking to technology to solve their H.R. issues. Using A.I. and automation can improve your recruitment results, as well as free up extra time for your H.R. department to undertake essential tasks.